Telegram Bots

A Bot that can help you control absences in classes and how much time you spend in them.

Tech used:

    • Python Telegram bot

    • Mlab - MongoDb

    • Pymongo

    • AWS - S3, EC2

Generates random scores for the matches in the next champions league match day.

You can use those scores to bet with

Tech used:

Get realtime scores trough telegram using the NBA api.

Can show you upcoming matches or final scores based on a date, or realtime information for all games currently on.

Provide gamepass links for easy of access.

Tech used:

A bot that runs in a ESP8266 NodeMCU and collect data on local network availability, tracking when the internet disconected, how long it took to reconnect, and saving all that monitoring data in telegram.

Tech used:

Gets currently live streams for the most popular games.
See the trending current live streams.

Tech used: